XumaBonusBook, pua, Dean Cortez, Secrets of Strip Club Seduction
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//-->.pos {position:absolute; z-index: 0; left: 0px; top: 0px;}www.DatingDynamics.comTHE ART OFATTRACTIONCARLOS XUMAIntroduction From Carlos Xuma:I’ve been giving advice for years now, to friends, family, and every guy I come in contactwith. The interesting thing that I’ve discovered after all this time is that we all want thesame things, but we have different ways of pursuing those goals.Women want love, sex, security, etc.Men want sex, love, security, etc.(Notice that those are the same, but the order is different...)In order to reach our goals and get what we want, we use different behaviors to find thepeople we want in our lives to fill our needs.Unfortunately, most guys only understand coming from a position of NEED, and so theyscare off so many potential women that could be good for them. When guys come from astrong Alpha Attitude of power (AlphaMale Power,as I call it) they attract more women.This attitude, though, is a tough thing to describe to someone who has never really felt it orhad it.What is ‘it’ ?In this e-book, I’m going to give you some examples through questions sent in by my stu-dents and clients, and I hope this will help make ‘it’ clearer to you. It may take several dif-ferent readings to figure ‘it’ out, but you will have the epiphany if you really get this intoyour head.After we’re done with the Q&A portion of this book, I’ll tell you how you can speed up yourability to get ‘it’ and become the man you’ve always wanted to be.AnAlpha Man.Northern California, USAWWW.DATINGDYNAMICS.COMDATING ADVICE FOR MENWWW.ALPHASEDUCTION.COM-2About Carlos XumaCarlos Xuma writes about dating challenges and how to overcome them, all from theman’sperspective. He understands that women have shared information on how to rule the worldof relationships since time began. They rule throughsexual powerand an innate under-standing of psychology and persuasion.Guys need that same knowledge.You need an ally in this game, and Carlos is here to give you that winning edge.The methods and techniques you learn in his various programs teach you how to be moresuccessful with women by winning at yourINNERgame. Inner game is the sense of self-confidence and self-esteem that a trueAlpha Manfeels when his life is together. He hasgoals and a purpose.Character and integrity.And if a man is going somewhere in life with a passion, women will want to be a part of thatlifestyle.No deception, tricks, or hypnosis. You learn how to succeed with women by beingthe bestman you can be - from the inside out.Carlos’ dating tips and advice for men are seen and/or heard onWorld Talk Radio, MaximRadio, Double Agent, Summum Magazine, The Dating Insider Book, Bikini Hang-out, About.com, SeductionLair.com, Don Juan,and many more online and offline pub-lications.Carlos Xuma is the author ofThe Dating Black BookandSeduction Methode-books,along with theSecrets of the Alpha Manand theApproach Women Nowprograms.He also produces and records theAdvanced Audio Coachingeach month – now in itsthird year!WWW.DATINGDYNAMICS.COMDATING ADVICE FOR MENWWW.ALPHASEDUCTION.COM-3Table of ContentsIntroduction - The Three Attractive AttitudesClosing the dealPage 5Page 9"I don't really have a problem talking to women, making eye contact, the occasional 'appropriate' touching,or any of the things that you have suggested. I’ll just get to the problem - and that's closing."Dating a busy girlPage 12"She seems very special, and I would like to have some time with her. But she's busy all the time. Should Igo forward?"An Algorithm for Getting her InterestPage 14"I'm the type of dude who parties 8 nights out of 7 days... The problem is that she is the 'chess club' presi-dent, pre-law major and a jazz pianist. How do I reach her?"DeceptionPage 19"Why am I still so attached to the other women, when my current girlfriend is better in every way?"Don't wait for opportunity... MAKE it.Page 22"With the understanding that I may need to ask 4 or 5 women for their phone number before actually get-ting one, how do I avoid embarrassment when seeing these women again the next week?"Eliminating nervousnessPage 25"What is the BEST way to eliminate this fear and nervousness? Should I just DO IT and not give a damn if Itotally mess up or what? What do you recommend?"Fixing a mistake"It's about fixing a long distance relationship. I've made a mistake, and now what to do!?"Page 27How to Date Many Women...Page 31"I'm all for dating more than one women, but how do you juggle two or maybe three women that you aremaybe semi-serious with..."Night clubsPage 34"On the issue of bar and nightclub approaches, my question is do the rules change in this environment?"The "L" WordPage 37"How do you know when to tell a girlfriend you love her? And what is a safe time frame to wait until youcall her next? As in, what is a safe distance and what is too much to where she may forget about you?"CONCLUSION - More ResourcesPage 40WWW.DATINGDYNAMICS.COMDATING ADVICE FOR MENWWW.ALPHASEDUCTION.COM-4Letter from Carlos:Have you ever gotten so fed up with dating women and dealing with all the crapthat you just pull out of the game entirely?You get sick of being blown off all the time,and really sick of never being able to reach women in the first place.Hey, I've been there.We all reach a point of disgust and anger about all the silly social rules in the dating gameand we throw in the towel.However, this kind of reaction implies a few things about you. First off, that you'reneeding a particular result in order to persist. Well, that's perfectly understandable. Youwouldn't show up at your job every day if you didn't get the expected paycheck eachweek, now would you?When it comes to dating women and the whole pick-up game, you've got to real-ize that you may have to walk a while in the desert before you find the oasisyou're looking for.Hey, if that's the worst news I ever heard about dating, I would have said, “NO PROBLEM!Bring it on!”Nowthe good newsis that you can shorten the path to your oasis by being smart abouthow you get women interested in you.So, in keeping with this, I'm going to tell you aboutthree essential attitudesthat drawwomen to men.As you read these, I want you to do something for me. No matter how 'obvious' what Imight say seems, I want you to re-think your beliefs about them, and see if you are still,perhaps, working under the opposite belief in some way.If that sounds confusing, just wait and we'll go into it in more detail.Let's start with things that women find alluring.TheseThree Attitudeswill improve your image 100+% in the eyes of the women youapproach and date if you'll work on them.In fact, if you reallygetwhat I'm about to tell you, you're going to have a problem find-ing time for all the women that will want to get with you.That’s not cheap marketing hype, either. I'm totally serious.WWW.DATINGDYNAMICS.COMDATING ADVICE FOR MENWWW.ALPHASEDUCTION.COM-5zanotowane.pl doc.pisz.pl pdf.pisz.pl kachorra.htw.pl