Wyk9b 604085D, Geodezja, Geodezja Gospodarcza MSU, semestr 1, NTiMP, NTiMP wyklady

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Ashtech, Inc. GPPS-L Program: LINECOMP Version: 5.2.00Thu Nov 04 09:55:05 2010________________________________________________________________________Project informationGPS Survey |25-character project name [ The | is in column 26. ]2790D |5-character session nameProject informationKnown-station parameters00 |Receiver identifier used in "LOGTIMES" file000000 |Project station numberG604 |4-character short nameFIXED STATION |25-character long name___ ___ ___ _____________|25-character comment field0 |Position extraction (0=below,1=U-file,2=proj. file)N 51 35 59.80576 |Latitude deg-min-sec (g=good;b=bad)E 16 6 46.95029 |E-Longitude deg-min-sec (g=good;b=bad)W 343 53 13.04971 |W-Longitude deg-min-sec (g=good;b=bad)190.3710 |Ellipsoidal height (m) (g=good;b=bad)0.0000 |North antenna offset(m)0.0000 |East antenna offset (m)1.5180 0.0000 0.0000 |Vert antenna offset (m): slant/radius/added_offset20.0 |Temperature (degrees C)50.0 |Humidity (percent)1010.0 |Pressure (millibars)UG604D10.279 |Measurement filename (restricted to 24 characters)Known-station parametersUnknown-station parameters00 |Receiver identifier used in "LOGTIMES" file000000 |Project station number1085 |4-character short nameUNKNOWN STATION |25-character long name___ ___ ___ _____________|25-character comment field0 |Position extraction (0=below,1=U-file,2=proj. file)N 51 33 20.22955 |Latitude deg-min-sec (g=good;b=bad)E 16 2 29.62945 |E-Longitude deg-min-sec (g=good;b=bad)W 343 57 30.37055 |W-Longitude deg-min-sec (g=good;b=bad)216.1815 |Ellipsoidal height (m) (g=good;b=bad)0.0000 |North antenna offset(m)0.0000 |East antenna offset (m)1.5482 0.0000 0.0000 |Vert antenna offset (m): slant/radius/added_offset20.0 |Temperature (degrees C)50.0 |Humidity (percent)1010.0 |Pressure (millibars)U1085D10.279 |Measurement filename (restricted to 24 characters)Unknown-station parametersRun-time parameters1 |First epoch to process-1 |Final epoch to process (-1 = last available)15.0 |Elevation cutoff angle (degrees)1 |Data to process (0=Wdln;1=L1;2=L2;3=L1c;6=RpdSt)0.010000 |Convergence criterion (meters)00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |Omit these satellites (up to 7)10 |Maximum iterations for tlsq and dlsq00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |Forbidden reference SVs (up to 7)yes |Apply tropo delay correctionRun-time parametersLINECOMP 5.2.00 7-18-94FIXED U-File from P-Code receiver.UNKWN U-File from P-Code receiver.FIXED U-File used BROADCAST orbits.UNKWN U-File used BROADCAST orbits.Common start of two UFILES: 2010/10/06 11:52:10.00Common end of two UFILES: 2010/10/06 13:10:10.00Selected first epoch: 1Selected last epoch: 469For SV 5 there are 461 triple-difference measurements.For SV 6 there are 75 triple-difference measurements.For SV 16 there are 466 triple-difference measurements.For SV 21 there are 468 triple-difference measurements.For SV 25 there are 421 triple-difference measurements.For SV 29 there are 463 triple-difference measurements.For SV 30 there are 468 triple-difference measurements.For SV 31 there are 468 triple-difference measurements.Epoch interval (seconds): 10.000000THE TRIPLE DIFFERENCE SOLUTION (L1)Measure of geometry: 1.313398num_meas = 2821 num_used = 2765 rms_resid = 0.005433(m)Post-Fit Chisq = 28376.214 NDF = 12.801Sigmax (m): 2.120052Sigmay (m): 1.943636Sigmaz (m): 1.134633x y zx 1.00y 0.51y 1.00z 0.34z 0.20z 1.00del_station: 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000Station1: FIXED STATION Station2: UNKNOWN STATION(00000) (G604) (00000) (1085)Latitude: 51.59994604 51 35 59.80576 51.55561767 51 33 20.22361E-Long : 16.11304175 16 6 46.95029 16.04156420 16 2 29.63113W-Long : 343.88695825 343 53 13.04971 343.95843580 343 57 30.36887E-Height: 190.3710 216.2191Baseline vector: 5100.6215 -3686.8001 -3044.8121Mark1_xyz : 3814098.4987 1101823.5237 4975426.3412Az1 El1 D1 : 225.16152 0.1805 6991.4030E1 N1 U1 : -4952.7212 -4932.1109 25.8481Mark2_xyz : 3819199.1202 1098136.7236 4972381.5291Az2 El2 D2 : 45.10552 -0.2432 6991.4030E2 N2 U2 : 4957.5617 4932.0934 -25.8481Double-Difference Epochs:Prn: 5 Start epoch: 2 End epoch: 469Prn: 6 Start epoch: 392 End epoch: 469Prn: 16 Start epoch: 4 End epoch: 469Prn: 21 Start epoch: 2 End epoch: 469Prn: 25 Start epoch: 2 End epoch: 448Prn: 29 Start epoch: 2 End epoch: 469Prn: 30 Start epoch: 2 End epoch: 469Prn: 31 Start epoch: 2 End epoch: 469THE FLOAT DOUBLE DIFFERENCE SOLUTION (L1)Measure of geometry: 0.068693 Wavelength = 0.190294 (m/cycle)num_meas = 2810 num_used = 2634 rms_resid = 0.035877(m)Post-Fit Chisq = 23342.102 NDF = 12.194Reference SV: 29SV Ambiguity FIT Meas SV Ambiguity FIT Meas5 3606136.685f 0.249 437 6 -846533.599f 0.225 7516 2002722.025f 0.186 435 21 5319520.113f 0.239 42825 -3422129.593f 0.175 385 30 -3253521.847f 0.117 43631 -128094.635f 0.111 438Sigmax (m): 0.106600Sigmay (m): 0.094353Sigmaz (m): 0.048112SigmaN (cy): 0.429982SigmaN (cy): 0.775533SigmaN (cy): 0.594175SigmaN (cy): 0.413692SigmaN (cy): 0.264716SigmaN (cy): 0.260898SigmaN (cy): 0.612377x y z N N N N N N Nx 1.00y-0.21y 1.00z 0.19z 0.07z 1.00N-0.89N 0.49N-0.27N 1.00N 0.23N-0.93N-0.21N-0.44N 1.00N 0.04N-0.96N-0.15N-0.29N 0.91N 1.00N 0.80N-0.54N-0.22N-0.74N 0.60N 0.44N 1.00N 0.29N 0.36N-0.55N 0.04N-0.19N-0.33N 0.38N 1.00N 0.45N 0.23N-0.51N-0.14N-0.06N-0.23N 0.54N 0.85N 1.00N 0.58N-0.86N-0.19N-0.69N 0.87N 0.79N 0.85N 0.04N 0.20N 1.00del_station: 0.008064 -0.005036 0.000271Station1: FIXED STATION Station2: UNKNOWN STATION(00000) (G604) (00000) (1085)Latitude: 51.59994604 51 35 59.80576 51.55561870 51 33 20.22733E-Long : 16.11304175 16 6 46.95029 16.04156325 16 2 29.62771W-Long : 343.88695825 343 53 13.04971 343.95843675 343 57 30.37229E-Height: 190.3710 216.1902Baseline vector: 5100.5358 -3686.8933 -3044.7631Mark1_xyz : 3814098.4987 1101823.5237 4975426.3412Az1 El1 D1 : 225.16257 0.1802 6991.3682E1 N1 U1 : -4952.7869 -4931.9957 25.8192Mark2_xyz : 3819199.0344 1098136.6304 4972381.5781Az2 El2 D2 : 45.10657 -0.2430 6991.3682E2 N2 U2 : 4957.6274 4931.9782 -25.8192AMBIGUITY RESOLUTION1 2 3 4Abs Contrast 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.000Contrast 76.616 78.961 82.677Change Chi2 24876.091 31055.225 31772.021 33035.705Bias S29: 5 3606137 3606137 3606137 3606136Bias S29: 6 -846534 -846532 -846533 -846531Bias S29:16 2002722 2002723 2002723 2002724Bias S29:21 5319520 5319520 5319520 5319521Bias S29:25 -3422130 -3422130 -3422130 -3422130Bias S29:30 -3253522 -3253522 -3253522 -3253522Bias S29:31 -128095 -128094 -128094 -128093NDF=138.7000 Chi2=23342.10241 2 3 4Abs Contrast 0.002 0.001 0.000 0.000Contrast 54.702 82.577 83.315Change Chi2 23312.006 24238.959 31201.249 31466.603Bias S29: 5 3606137 3606137 3606136 3606136Bias S29:16 2002722 2002723 2002721 2002724Bias S29:21 5319520 5319520 5319520 5319521Bias S29:25 -3422130 -3422130 -3422130 -3422130Bias S29:30 -3253522 -3253522 -3253522 -3253522Bias S29:31 -128095 -128094 -128095 -128093NDF=138.7000 Chi2=23342.10241 2 3 4Abs Contrast 0.149 0.025 0.005 0.000Contrast 70.062 83.038 93.528Change Chi2 15307.610 18861.155 22005.000 26472.295Bias S29: 5 3606137 3606136 3606137 3606136Bias S29:16 2002723 2002722 2002722 2002724Bias S29:21 5319520 5319520 5319520 5319521Bias S29:25 -3422130 -3422130 -3422130 -3422130Bias S29:30 -3253522 -3253522 -3253522 -325...
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