WZR Rules (Missions, Bitewniaki, Warzone, Warzone 4th Edition Resurrection
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//-->.pos {position:absolute; z-index: 0; left: 0px; top: 0px;}There are many Heroes in the Solar System, some are famous, some infamous and others as-pire to be. Which one will become the next Mitch Hunter or Alakhai the Cunning?Creating a Warlord or Lord is easy, just follow the 5 Steps below:1. Give the Hero a name and choose the Stat Line and Warlord/Lord Type:MClose CombatRangedTechPsychicLORD65455CC1512131212RS1216131212ST108888CON12101288WP1616161716LD1716161616W33332A14(12)12(11)11(10)12(12)12(10)PTS7575808045Special skillsFearlessFearlessFearlessFearlessFearlessRangerCrackshotRelentlessPsychic (3)ShieldedShieldedShieldedShieldedDuelistTarget Sense2. Modify the Stat Line:Each increment is worth 5 points (Wounds cost 15pts). You can Add or Remove to maximum num-bers shown in the relevant Stats Boxes (i.e. +2/-1 means that the Hero’s Stat can be increased by upto +2 for a total of 10 pts or can be reduced by 1 reducing the cost of the Warlord by 5 pts).MClose CombatRangedTechPsychicLORDCC+2/-0+1/-1+1/-1+1/-1RS+2/0+1/-1+1/-1ST+2/00/-1+1/-1+1/-1CON+1/-1+1/-1+1/-1WP+1/-1LD+1/-1+1/-1+1/-1W+1/0+1/0+1/0+1/0A+1/-1+1/-1+1/-13. Name the Hero’s Weapon(s) and note the Weapon Stat Line:Ranged WEAPONSType of warlordClose CombatRangedTechPsychicLORDR122416824St1214121012RoF13211AVV21TypePiercingPiercing or Plasma*PlasmaPiercingPiercingR21. combatRoA32222AVV211TypePiercing or PlasmaPiercing or PlasmaPlasmaPiercingPiercing14. Modify the Weapon Stat line:Each R or St point cost 5 pts, RoF/RoA cost 10 and AVV points cost 15pts.RClose CombatRanged+6/-0Tech+4/-2PsychicLORD+4/0St+2/0+2/0+2/0RoF+1/-1+1/0+1/0AVV+2/-2+1/0+1/0Change Type for:N/ARail (30 Pts), Blast (20pts)Blast (20 pts)N/APiercingRSt+2/0+3/0+2/0RoA+2/0+1/0+1/0AVV+2/-2+1/0+1/0Change Type for:Blast (20pts), Plasma(5pts)N/ABlast (20pts)N/APiercing5. And finally, select the Hero Special Skills:Allocate the Hero to a Faction. The Hero uses the Faction General Rules. (Lords can be given anycombination of Special Skills). The Hero may not be given the same Special Skill more than once.A Hero may only take Psychic Powers from its own Army list for points cost listed in the relevantArmy section.For example: A Brotherhood Hero of the Solar System may only take Brotherhood Psychic Pow-ers. A Bauhaus Psychic Warlord is not allowed any Psychic powers, as there are no BauhausPsychic powers.Close CombatRangedTechPsychicCC weapon CriticalForce (2) - 10 pts.Heal (3)- 15 ptsHeal (3)- 15 ptsHeal (3)- 15 ptsHeal (3)- 15 ptsCamouflage (2)- 15ptsEspoinage- 5ptsEspoinage- 5ptsBrutal- 5 ptsGunslinger- 15 PtsCamouflage (2)-15ptsFear (2)- 10ptsContempt (All)- 10ptsPathfinder- 5ptsContempt (All)- 10ptsPathfinder- 5ptsFear (1)- 10ptsSniper- 15ptsInfiltrate- 10ptsStalk- 20 ptsInfiltrate- 10ptsPredator Sense- 10ptsPredator Sense- 10pts2Building your Offensive Force:When planning a game of Warzone Resurrection, play-ers should agree on a point level and the Offensive Organisation Chart they wish to use.For the first few games we recommend using a small Force of 500 Points. We expect thatnormal Games will be 1000-1500 Points and played on a 4x4 or 6x4 foot Board using theStandard Offensive Organisation Chart. The other Offensive Organisation Charts are great ifplayers want longer games or want to include some of the infamous Warzone ResurrectionHeavy vehicles like the Bauhaus Grizzly or the Capitolian Leviathan.Points:Each Model has a Points Value which depends on the Model’s likely effectivenessin the game. Building your skirmish force using the points system is a key part of the funof Warzone Resurrection. It is not unusual for a squad to be given additional gear as part oftheir initial cost in the form of a variety of upgrades. Once paid for in points, this gear is aconstant part of the Squad’s characteristics. Gear cards in the decks represent ‘special or-ders’, gear found on the battlefield and parachuted in as the battle progresses and as suchare not part of the Squad’s points cost.Cross Faction Reinforcements:In some cases you may be allowed to includeSquads from other factions in your army, Brotherhood for example often bolsters Bau-haus, Capitol and Imperial forces. Squads from other factions included in your OOC usetheir factions General Special Rules, can purchase Psychic Powers and Squad upgradesfrom their faction list and you may include Strategy, Tactical and Gear cards exclusive tothat squad in your deck when playing the Advanced Game (Valkyries can bring cards forValkyries but may not bring any general Brotherhood cards from the starter).Offensive Organisation Charts (OOC):To ensure balance in the game, Warzone Res-urrection follows an ‘Offensive Organisation Chart’ approach. There are four Offensive Or-ganisation Charts available depending on size of game wanted. These game sizes are de-scribed as Standard, Heavy, Mega and Gargantuan.The Standard OOC:The Standard OOC is likely to be the Tournament version of WarzoneResurrection as well as the normal Game played most of the time. We would expect this typeof Game to last between 1 and 3 hours depending on Points Level used. Every Force in War-zone Resurrection must have a Warlord and Standard Games are no exception. In the Stan-dard OOC Game each player must also take two Squads of Troops. All other Slots are optional.3The Heavy OOC:The Heavy OOC is very similar to the Standard OOC, but with a cou-ple of variations. Firstly, a Heavy Vehicle can be taken and additionally a second optional‘Light Vehicle/Monster’ Slot is available. Secondly, the two ‘Light Vehicle/ Monster’ Slotscan be swopped for one ‘Heavy Vehicle’ Slot and conversely, the ‘Heavy Vehicle’ Slot can beswopped for two ‘Light Vehicle/ Monster’ Slots.For Example: Andre and Marshall are playing a Heavy Game and Andre wants to play 4 Orcas, so he has swoppedhis Heavy Vehicle slot for 2 Light Vehicle/ Monster Slots. Marshall, on the other hand, wants to play two BauhausGrizzly Tanks, so he has swopped his 2 Light Vehicle/ Monster Slots for an additional Heavy Vehicle Slot.The Mega OOC:In the Mega OOC the number of Slots is doubled from that available in theStandard OOC. Still only 1 Warlord must be taken and the compulsory Troop requirementis doubled to four. The maximum Squad size for ‘Light Vehicles/Monster’ slots is doubledfrom that stated in the Squad entry.For Example: Orcas are listed as maximum Squad size of 1, so in a Mega Game Squads of 2 Orca can be fielded.Equally, Kunshu Dragonriders are listed as maximum Squad size 6, so can be fielded in Squads of up to 12. Min-imum Squad size is unaffected so stays at 1 for both the Orca and Kunshu Dragonriders.4The Gargantuan OOC:In the same way that the Mega OOC is the doubling of the Stan-dard OOC, the Gargantuan OOC is double that of the Heavy OOC. Still only 1 Warlord must betaken and the compulsory Troop requirement is doubled to four. Additionally, at least oneHeavy Vehicle must be taken. The maximum Squad size for ‘Light Vehicle/Monster’ slots isdoubled from that stated in the Squad entry. Two (or four) ‘Light Vehicle/ Monster’ Slots canbe swopped for one (or two)‘Heavy Vehicle’ Slot(s) and conversely, the one optional ‘HeavyVehicle’ Slot can be swopped for two ‘Light Vehicle/ Monster’ Slots.5zanotowane.pl doc.pisz.pl pdf.pisz.pl kachorra.htw.pl