Wyrd Chronicles - Volume 14, Bitewniaki, Malifaux, Wyrd Chronicles

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//-->.pos {position:absolute; z-index: 0; left: 0px; top: 0px;}UNMASK!UNMASK!The event of the season.PRODUCTION PURGATORYThat's a biiiiig ...Mako's Miss Ery.WRETCHED RATS!An interesting take on using ... well ... rats.Vol.14CONTENTSWYRDCHRONICLESFOREWORD .............................................................................. 1DIvING INTO ThE DEEp END OF ThE SChEME POOl ..................2UNMASK! UNMASK! ...................................................................9AN EASY MARK(STARTER TTB ADvENTURE}........................................ 22MR.STICKS' hALlOWEEN .........................................................29PRODUCTION PURGATORY[SCENARIO].........................................38PROfESSOR PONTIfICATES.....................................................39JUNIOR WHATNOTS ................................................................42A MALIFAUx BATTLE REPORT ..................................................43WRETCHED RATS ....................................................................50MISS ERY LOvES COMpANY{MAKO'S RUBbISh}.................................5214content guidestoriesterraingame sessionsmechanicsfun&tacticspaintingbattle-reportsgalleryCreditsCreative DireCtorNathan CarolandgraphiC artistJorge GomezAlex CairnsContributing authorsJustin GibbsMichael KelmelisMark RodgersAdrian ScottGraeme StevensonAndrew WeaklandAaron DarlandMatthew FarrerLayout and editingDavid HanoldJorge GomezAaron DarlandAlex CairnsilLustrationsAleksandar AleksandrovHardy FowlerChristophe MaduraFOREWORDNATHAN CAROLANDhECK YEAh!October has arrived, arguably one of my favorite months as the weatherstarts to get cooler, the bad horror movies start to cycle through thetelevision, and the spooks and goblins appear in one form or anotherto have a grand time.And if I'm really lucky (or industrious!), I get to scare the bejesus out ofthe local kids as we give away goodies later in the month. We've had tohose off the walkway a few times over the years ... ah yes, good times,good times.In the mean time, between painting, gaming, scaring the kids andwatching the absolute best halloween versions of Scooby Doo, we bringyou another Wyrd Chronicles, in which we explore the harvest month inMalifaux, and as with all things, there are some deadly twists involved!Dive in, devour, and let us know what you think!1DIvING INTO ThE DEEp ENDOF ThE SChEME POOlMICHAEL KELmElISMichael is a regular writer on the Guessing Zerogaming website at guessingzero.com, and is a co-hostof the podcast “Gaming Done Right” on the GuessingZero Network.There is little better on a lazy afternoon than pushingpainted models around on a beautifully renderedwestern town, flipping cards, and making soundeffects as Seamus’ hand cannon rips the head offan offending Guild Guard. (The sound effects, in myopinion, are the most important part.)Malifaux is a dynamic game filled with dozens ofmoving parts that players have to remember andbalance. There are the abilities of the models onthe table, combined with the cards in your deck andin your opponent’s, plus the Strategy in play and thecurrent Victory Points counts, and soon it becomesdizzying. Every aspect of the game creates a uniqueexperience when brought together.One of the big differentiators between Malifaux andother games is the way the game handles victory.It is not all about killing. It’s about Victory Points,and most of those Victory Points come from itsSchemes. From the Scheme Pool to the timingof when the Schemes are selected, Schemes areentwined flawlessly with the game. While manymay look at Schemes as a simple (but important)part of the game, accounting for potentially 60%of the available Victory Points, Schemes are muchdeeper than that. A savvy player will be able to pulladvantage out of the entire Scheme mechanic andbe in a better position for victory.UNDERSTANDINg ThE SChEME POOlThe depth to which the Scheme Pool interacts withevery game of Malifaux is substantial. It helps pushinto each game the sense that each time you playis going to be vastly different. With this one simplefeature, Malifaux opens up a wealth of possibility.The depth of the Scheme Pool is matched by itssimplicity. To fully understand how the SchemePool can impact a game, first let’s make sure weunderstand the Scheme Pool itself and where it fitsinto the game as a whole.WHAT hAS AlREADY hAPpENEDDuring the setup of a game, after Defining andPlacing Terrain, after Determining the EncounterSize and Announcing Faction, and after DeterminingDeployment, the players will determine the Strategyand available Schemes.Most of what has happened to this point is justsetting up the preamble to the game. Players haveonly had to make a single decision up until this pointthat will narrow the scope of their game: determine2which Faction they are playing. Everythingelse to this point has not been a decisionthe players are able to make themselves; ithas been decided for them.How to Determine AvAilable ScHemeSOnce the Strategy is randomly selected,the players generate Scheme options. Oneplayer shuffles his or her deck and flips thetop two cards, reflipping any Jokers that mightcome up. The result is two cards, each witha Suit and a Value. From this combination,five schemes will be selected.• here is always one scheme available:TA Line in the Sand.• ach Suit corresponds to a differentEScheme.• ach Value corresponds to a differentEScheme.• f either the Suit or the Value areIduplicates, theDistractScheme isavailable.By following these basic rules, every SchemePool will have five available choices, no more,no less.While the Schemes are random in their determination,there are clearly some Schemes that will be morelikely to show up than others.A Line in the Sand,for example, will always be an available choice. It isa Scheme that utilizes Scheme Markers, but is oneof the hardest Schemes with which to achieve fullVictory Points.The Schemes that correspond to the Suits arefar more likely to come up than the ones thatcorrespond to Values and you are likely to see twoeach game. Among the Suit Schemes, two of themrequire Scheme Markers, one requires killing anopposing model, and the last requires keeping oneof your models safe. They tend to be more universalSchemes that every Faction has a number of toolsto help achieve.Value Schemes come up less frequently andtend to be more complex ones to achieve.Not every Faction will be equally prepared toaccomplish every Value Scheme, and even ifthey are, they tend to be a little more difficultthan your standard Suit Schemes. Howeverthey have the advantage of being seenless often in Scheme Pools and, therefore,it is easier to surprise your opponent byselecting them. Your opponent will likely beless experienced facing them.Distractonly comes up when two Suits ortwo Values are identical in the cards thatare flipped. The odds of it coming up arecloser to the Suit Schemes. Because ofthat, I tend to consider it to be a fifth ‘SuitScheme’ in probability, though its rulesmake it align better with the Value Schemesas it is trickier in the game.I will not take the time to talk througheach Scheme and the best way to achievethem. The Pull My Finger Malifaux TacticaWikipediaatpullmyfinger.wikispaces.com has a great overview of the differentStrategies and Schemes that can helpplayers formulate plans for each individualone, and I encourage you to take a look at it.whAt will Happen laterOnce the Scheme Pool has been created, mostof the decision-making will begin. With the newinformation of what you could be doing in thegame, you and your opponent will hire and revealyour Crews, choose the Schemes you will be using,deploy, and begin.whAt tHe ScHeme pool tellS Youabout Your opponentWith an understanding of where the Scheme Poolcreation fits into the game setup, it’s time to lookat how this feature can change the way you playthe game. Learning what the Strategy and SchemePool for a game is can be the most crucial piece ofinformation you get about a game during setup, yet3
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